Saturday, September 13, 2014

Resep Gluten free Sup Jagung - Light Corn Soup

Siapa sih yang ga suka jagung manis? 
renyah and manisnya itu bikin ketagihan, and this recipe adalah salah satu cara enjoy that sweet crunchy sweet tanpa harus banyak ngerubah rasa... 

and this recipe gives that light soup texture which you can enjoy anytime of the day... 
this is just the base recipe yah, you can actually add the things you like to enrich the flavor :) 

what makes this soup a bit different is the egg that was added at the very end of the cooking process, it enhance the flavor and add that light yet rich texture onto this soup 
very easy and my boys just love this meal :) 

1. 1 ekor ayam rebus dengan 1 ruas jahe, lalu ambil kaldunya, lalu suwir suwir dagingnya pisahkan / 1 chicken boiled with 3 cm of ginger, boil it until the water are only around 500-700 ml, take the broth to be use later on, and separate the chicken meat from the bone with fork like on the picture 
2. 500-700 ml kaldu / 500-700 ml chicken broth 
3. 4-5 jagung manis / 4-5 fresh corn, shaved the corn with knife to separate it from the cob 
4. 3 bawang putih / 3 garlic curshed and chopped
5. 1 bawang bombay / 1 onion, finely chopped 
6. 3 batang bawang daun / 3 spring onion 
7. sosis sesuai selera / sausages
8. 1 telur dikocok seadanya / 1 egg, beaten roughly 
9. garam, merica dan bubuk biji pala / salt, pepper & nutmeg 

1. Rebus ayam dengan air 1.5 liter sampai air menjadi setengahnya , selama merebus masukan bawang daun yang dipotong besar
boil the Chicken with 1.5 liter of water and leave it until the water are becoming half of the original volume. while boiling the chicken just throw the spring onion that are chopped into big pieces
2. Pisahkan ayam yang sudah direbus, lalu suwir suwir dan masukan kembali ke dalam kaldu 
separate the chicken from the broth, and separate the chicken meat from the bone with fork and knife, and put back the chicken meat that now become small pieces onto the broth 
3. Masukan Jagung yang sudah dipisahkan dari bonggolnya ke dalam kaldu, masak selama 10 menit 
throw the corn that allready separated from the cob, and boil for around 10 minutes
4. di tempat terpisah, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay dengan minyak dan api kecil sampai harum, lalu masukan ke dalam kaldu yang sudah berisi suwiran ayam & jagung manis
in separate pan, saute garlic and chopped onion till golden and smells good, and after that put the garlic and onion saute onto the soup broth that already has the chicken meat & corn 
5. masukan sosis yang sudah dipotong sesuai selera
throw the sausages that you cut into pieces onto the soup
6. masukan garam, merica dan bubuk biji pala secukupnya ke dalam sup 
add the salt, pepper & nutmeg onto the soup, and taste it 
7. langkah terakhir masukan telur yang sudah dikocok dengan garpu ke dalam sup selagi panas, dan saat menuang telur ke dalam sup, sambil dikocok dengan garpu 
turn off the fire, and pour the egg that you beaten with fork onto the soup, and while you are pouring the egg, you need to stir the soup so that the eggs are scrambled onto the soup 
8. matikan api lalu sajikan dengan irisan bawang daun 
add some fresh finely chopped spring onion and serve the soup 

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