Friday, September 5, 2014


This is the most delish doughnut evah :) 
my boys love it so much and so easy to do 
this potato doughnut have that its own signature of sweet savory and fluffy texture 

Ada rasa manis and that specific soft texture karena pakai kentang, so easy to do and believe me you will get addict to this 1 easy meal :)


  • 500 gr tepung terigu (gue biasa pake cakra kembar) dan kadang gue pake lebih yah  / all purpose flour (and I add more when i mix the dough until its not sticky on your hand)
  • 200-250 gr kentang dikukus & dihaluskan (kira kira 3-4 kentang) / potato, steamed and mashed it 
  • 100 gr susu bubuk / powder milk 
  • 100-150 gr gula pasir / sugar 
  • 1/2 cup cooking oil 
  • 2 sdm/tbs yeast
  • 4 kuning telur / egg yolk 
  • 100 ml air dingin / ice water 
  • salt 

1. campur semua bahan kering : tepung, susu bubuk, yeast, gula, aduk rata semua 
mix well all the dry ingredients : flour, yeast, powder milk and sugar 

2. masukan kentang yang sudah dihaluskan dan campur sampai merata yah 
put the mashed potato and mix it well with the dry ingredients 

3. masukan kuning telur dan aduk rata, lalu masukan air dingin tadi lalu masukan garam
add the yolk mix it well, and add the ice water mix it well all with your hands, and add the salt 

4. masukan minyak sayur dan adon terus sambil ditambah tepung sampai benar benar kalis yah and ga lengket di tangan 
add the cooking oil and mix it all well with your hands, add flour until the dough is not sticky in your hands 

5. diamkan selama 30 menit agar adonan mengembang 
leave the dough for 30 to allow the yeast to work 

6. setelah 30 menit, adonan bisa dicetak dan digoreng.. voila you have your own donat kentang!
after 30 minutes, you can shape the dough into doughnut shape and deep fry it.. and voila you got your potato doughnut!!

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