Saturday, September 13, 2014

Resep Gluten Free Creamy Broccoli Soup - Brokoli Krim Sup

Broccoli is one of my fav vegie, too bad the boys didn't like it as much as I did. So I have to find tricky way to make them eat this nutritious ingredients :) 

Most of broccoli cream soup uses heavy cream and cheese, which is not really healthy if you think about the calories etc.

And so I try to substitute heavy cream and milk with potato to keep the creamy texture of this soup... and yet again I realized this is one of that delicious kind of gluten free meal.. okay here we go... I will share this very simple delicious recipe  
1. 2 bwg putih dicincang kasar/ 2 garlic, crushed and chopped
2. 1 bwg bombay / 1 onion, finely chopped 
3. 1 Brocolli yang besar potong kecil  / 1 big broccoli, cut into pieces 
4. 3 cup kaldu ayam/ 3 cup chicken broth 
5. 2 kentang yang besar, dipotong kecil / 2 big potatoes, cut into pieces 
6. 1 batang selederi kecil / 1 small celery 
7. biji pala bubuk / nutmeg 
8. garam & merica / salt & pepper 
9. olive oil or you can also use canola oil 

1. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai harum
saute garlic and onion until its tender
2. Masukan kentang yang sudah dikupas dan dipotong kecil, lalu masukan air kaldu dan rebus sampai kentang agak empuk
throw the chopped potato into the skillet, and then add the chicken broth and boil the potato until it became almost tender (around 10 minutes) 
3. Masukan brokoli yang sudah di potong kecil, rebus selama 7-10 menit atau sampai brokoli empuk, masukin seledri lalu matikan api 
after that just put the chopped brocolli and boil for another 7-10 minutes or until it gets tender, and put in the celery 
4. Haluskan sup tadi dengan blender atau food processor sampai lembut 
blend the boiled soup with blender or food processor 
5. Panaskan sup yang sudah diblender itu ke dalam panci tadi, lalu tambahkan garam, merica dan bubuk biji pala. Rasakan apakah garam dan merica sudah cukup lalu sajikan. (option kalau mau pakai kaldu kaya royco juga bisa kok, dan menambah rasa) 
after the soup are blend, put it back onto the pan and use small heat then add salt, pepper and a litle bit of nutmeg. Taste the soup and serve :) 

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