Hainam chicken rice - the magic of slow cooking
pertama itu adalah merebus semua bahan dasar, dimana kita akan pisahkan antara kaldu dengan ayamnya
langkah kedua adalah memasak nasi hainam
langkah ketiga adalah memasak ayam hainam
langkah ke empat adalah mebuat kuah hainam
there are 4 basic step to create this dish: langkah kedua adalah memasak nasi hainam
langkah ketiga adalah memasak ayam hainam
langkah ke empat adalah mebuat kuah hainam
1st is to boil the whole basic ingredients, where later on we will separate between the broth and the chicken
2nd is to cook the hainam rice
3rd is to fry the chicken
4th is to make the soup
1st step the basic ingredients / bahan dasar :
2 liter of water / 2 liter air
1 whole chicken make it into 14 pieces / 1 ayam utuh dipotong 14 bagian
15 cm of ginger or you can add more coz I like it more / 15 cm jahe atau lebih
150 gram of spring onion chopped into big pieces / 150 gram atau 3 batang besar bawang daun potong kasar
salt & pepper
caranya :
rebus ayam dengan semua bumbu'nya selama 1 jam atau lebih sampai ayam empuk dan kaldunya nampak berminyak dari lemak ayam, masak sampai kaldu tinggal 1-1.3 liter
pisahkan ayam dengan kaldunya
how to do this :
boil the chicken in the water, and simply throw in everything (ginger, spring onion, salt & pepper) for 1 hours or more until the chicken are tender and the broth are oily given from the chicken fat
and the water reduce until around 1-1.3 liter
separate the chicken with the broth
langkah ke 2 adalah bikin nasi hainam :
2nd step is to create the hainam rice :
3/4 liter rice/beras
1 liter the broth / kaldu yang dipisahkan tadi
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped/ bawang putih di cincang halus
sesame oil... lots of it :) / minyak wijen yang banyak yah
cara bikin nasi hainam :
1. tumis bawang putih dengan minyak wijen secukupnya
2. terus masukan tumisan bawang putih tadi ke dalam kaldu ayam tadi,
3. masukan beras ke dalam kaldu tambahkan garam sedikit dan dimasak dengan cara di aron sampai air kaldu habis
4. setelah di aron kukus nasi sampai matang selama 45 - 60 menit
how to make hainam rice :
1. saute the garlic with sesame oil for a while and then put the sauteed garlic onto the chicken broth that we had separated earlier
2. boiled the broth with garlic add a bit of salt and then put on the rice onto the broth and stir up until the water are all dried up
3. after that cook the rice on the steamer and cook for 45-60 minutes till the rice are cooked perfectly
langkah ketiga masak ayam hainam :
1. ambil ayam yang sudah dipisahkan dari kaldunya tadi dan lumurin dengan minyak wijen secara merata dan tambahkan sedikit garam
2. goreng ayam tersebut sampai terlihat coklat keemasan lalu angkat dan tiriskan lalu sajikan
3rd step cook the hainam chicken :
1. take the chicken that we had seperated from the broth, and cover the chicken evenly with sesame oil and a bit of salt
2. deep fry the chicken until it looks golden, take it off from the fryer and drained it so you can serve it on a plate
2. goreng ayam tersebut sampai terlihat coklat keemasan lalu angkat dan tiriskan lalu sajikan
3rd step cook the hainam chicken :
1. take the chicken that we had seperated from the broth, and cover the chicken evenly with sesame oil and a bit of salt
2. deep fry the chicken until it looks golden, take it off from the fryer and drained it so you can serve it on a plate
nah bonusnya adalah bikin sambal jahe'nya :)
giling cabe merah besar sebanyak 3 buah, lalu rebus dengan sisa kaldu sekitar 200 ml bareng 5 cm jahe yang diiris tipis memanjang dan 1 buah tomat yang sudah dihaluskan dan 5 sdm saus sambal
beri garam lalu sajikan
well the bonus would be to make the ginger chili sauce recipe :
mashed 2 big chili, and thinned chopped 5 cm of ginger and 1 tomato then add 5 tbs of chili sauce, after that boiled with 200 ml of the left over broth
and viola you will have the complete set of hainam chicken rice dish at home :)
i hope i can make this dish to be less complicated to cook
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