Monday, August 4, 2014

easy homemade coca cola steak a.k.a steak coca cola

the easiest homemade steak to made.. 
savory and sweet :)

coca cola steak 

okay this is how to prepare it :) 

ingredients to marinade or saus perendam : 
tenderloin/sirloin meat 
3 cloves of garlic/bwg putih crushed and chopped/geprek and cincang kasar 
1/2 of small onion/bwg bombay chopped/cincang kasar 
3 tbs/sdm oyster sauce/saus tiram 
salt & pepper / garam & lada
coke (any brand but I prefer to use coca cola)  

simply mix all the ingredients into a bowl, and rub the meat with the herbs 
and afterwards pour on the coke until the meat are soaked, marinade it for 1 night 
and its ready to be grill :) 

campur semua bahan ke dalam wadah, lalu lumurin daging dengan bumbu tersebut dan masukan coca cola sampai daging terendam semua
rendam selama 1 malam lalu steak siap di bakar or dipanggang :) 

simply add mashed potato or fries the way you like it :) 
sometimes i love to make peas sauce.. that green savory sauce is quite yummy :)

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